How Agentic RAG solves problem with current RAG limitations


In this volume 4 of coffee break concept, we will understand how AgenticRAG helps solve limitations of traditional RAG.

RAG Framework

The RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) framework operates in a specific sequence:

Document -> Chunks-> Vector DB -> Chunk Retrieval (Top K) -> LLM

However, this sequence encounters obstacles when dealing with certain types of queries.

Traditional RAG Pipeline

Problem 1: Summarization

Consider a query like “Summarize the document”.

  • The conventional RAG approach retrieves the top K chunks and summarizes them.
  • But wouldn’t it be more comprehensive if it retrieved all chunks of the document and summarized them?
Summarization problem with RAG

Problem 2: Comparing Documents

  • When tasked with comparing Document A and Document B, the basic RAG retrieves random chunks and attempts to compare these top K chunks.
  • This doesn’t paint an accurate picture as it doesn’t represent the full scope of the documents.
Problem 2: Comparing Documents

Problem 3: Structured Data Analysis

Consider a question like “When is the next leave?”.

  • The first step is to retrieve the region to which the employee belongs from a structured table.
  • Based on the region, the next leave for that region is extracted from the leave policy document.
  • This process isn’t as straight forward with the current RAG framework.
Problem 3: Structured Data Analysis

Problem 4: The Multi-part Question

Consider a question like “Identify common leave across all regions?”.

  • Imagine you have a leave policy document of a company present in 120 countries.
  • Since you are passing the top K contexts, the maximum number of regions that can be compared is limited to K, where K is the number of chunks passed to LLM.
Problem 4: The Multi-part Question

Agentic RAG

Agentic RAG can solve this 4 problems by replacing via custom agents.

  • Agents will interact with multiple systems.
  • RAG is now one part of this system which agents can use.
Agentic RAG
  • Agents uses LLMs to automate the reasoning and tool selection
  • RAG is just another tool which Agent may decides to use.

Routing Agent

  • Routing agents are simple agents which routes the queries.
  • An agent can route query in one or multiple tools.
  • Remember our question “Summarize the document” or a question if we want to combine “Summarization + Sematic search” can be solved using below example routing
Routing Agent

Query Planning Agent

  • Query planning agent breaks down the queries into sub-queries.
  • Each of the sub-queries can be executed against RAG pipeline.
Query Planning Agent

Tools For Agents

  • LLMs can have multiple tools like calling an API, infer parameters for API.
  • RAG is now a tool which LLM might use.
Tools For Agents


  • RAG has limitations when represented with complex questions.
  • Few of the use cases like summarization, comparison etc. can’t be solve with just RAG.
  • Agentic RAG can help overcome limitation of RAG.
  • Agentic RAG treats RAG as a tool which it can use for semantic search.
  • Agents equipped with routing, query planning and tools can out perform traditional RAG applications.

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